• Graduate students in history benefit from a high faculty-to-student ratio, which enables us to provide more individual attention than many other programs. The size of each entering class varies slightly from year to year, with 8-10 students typical. In all we have approximately fifty students, a talented and diverse group, who come from many parts of the United States and from many other countries around the world. Prospective applicants may wish to contact current students who share some of their interests, using the graduate student directory.
  • Graduate students in history benefit from a high faculty-to-student ratio, which enables us to provide more individual attention than many other programs. The size of each entering class varies slightly from year to year, with 8-10 students typical. In all we have approximately fifty students, a talented and diverse group, who come from many parts of the United States and from many other countries around the world. Prospective applicants may wish to contact current students who share some of their interests, using the graduate student directory.