• The emphasis here is on scientific computing and problem solving. Students develop strengths in programming -  the ability to instruct computers - so that the machines (not necessarily people) are more productive.
  • Students explore techniques to make hardware devices (computers, robots etc) perform tasks they've never done before, but were always capable.These may be new ways of representing or transferring data from one source to another, fitting more data in less space, encrypting data etc.
  • Students must choose between a "major" and an "area". Simply put, a "major" requires that you declare a minor field of study or a second major. A minor is usually a well-ordered group of 7 to 8 courses that may have to be taken in the proper sequence. An "area" does not require a minor. In this case you will have room for 4-5 electives that have to be taken with the approval of your adviser.
  • Typical alternatives for minors include Math, Business, Computer Information Systems.  But there are plenty to choose from. Care must be taken to follow the sequence in which these courses are to be taken. Students cannot afford to put off decisions till their senior year as they may not be able to get all the classes required to complete the minor in one semester or two. Please consult an adviser in the Minor program.
  • The major option is especially attractive for students coming back for a second degree. Such students must complete a separate degree contract that will meet the requirements of the Computer Science program completely. Please consult with the chair of the department.