• The Department of Biological Sciences at Murray State University offers a four-year program leading to the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree in the area of fisheries or aquatic biology.
  • This program is designed to provide students with solid foundations in biology, chemistry and applied mathematics, and advanced courses in fisheries biology or aquatic biology. Development of problem solving and communication skills, and an understanding of resource management are major objectives of the program.
  • Students who successfully complete either option are well prepared to compete for state and federal jobs or for admission to graduate programs. Students graduating in the fisheries option meet certification requirements of the American Fisheries Society.
  • Field Investigations are a major component of courses in fisheries and aquatic biology, and are conducted through use of the region's diverse aquatic habitats and the outstanding facilities available at the Hancock Biological Station on Kentucky Lake.
  • Students have opportunities for individualized instruction, participation in research projects and for on-the-job experience through a variety of grant and contract research projects. Many of these projects have led to publications and to presentations at regional and national scientific meetings