• Depending on their interests, students can pursue the very timely topics of energy generation and conservation, water quality, recycling, solid waste management, and environmental safety, both through addressing specific issues and through environmental engineering design. These interdisciplinary programs are invaluable in today's world with its numerous unanswered questions about what's happening to planet Earth.
    • A student pursuing a degree in Environmental Health and Safety soon realizes one of the real joys of the profession—every day on the job is a day spent making things safer and improving the health and future health of others, be they coworkers, neighbors, or complete strangers. This makes the field satisfying in a way one usually associates with medical occupations. It also makes every day different and every challenge new. “I know that the work I do every day keeps the men and women I work with safe and healthy and able to go home to their families every night,” says Eva Wright, a recent graduate of the program who now works for Antea Group in Seattle, Washington.
    • The Environmental Sustainability and Technology major includes course work in energy technology in the engineering technology, geosciences, soils as well as the classical sciences departments. This major studies the classic energy sources and the renewable/alternative energy possibilities. Students will be able to apply their knowledge with utility, construction, municipalities, and other energy related industries for energy generation sources as well as conservation efforts
    • Typical employment opportunities exist in the various levels of governmental agencies and as environmental consultants in manufacturing, construction, and agricultural industries in such areas as air and water quality control, environmental analysis, recycling, hazardous and solid waste management, and noise.