Athletic trainers are certified health care providers who impart knowledge and skill to address the many facets of athletic activity, from preventing, treating, and assessing injuries to facilitating rehabilitation and return to activity along with counseling on proper nutrition and general health and wellness. It’s much more than taping a sprained ankle or standing on a sideline at a game. A major in Athletic Training at MTSU offers the skills needed to pursue this exciting career path. Students approach preparing for this profession through a holistic integrated health care/medical model with numerous academic and clinical experiences. Our Philosophy

It is our philosophy at MTSU to provide each student with a holistic education that includes a vast array of professional experiences. There are five goals of the program:

  • To provide each student with a quality undergraduate education
  • To prepare each student to successfully pass the BOC examination and gain their athletic training certification.
  • To develop each student into a quality citizen who will be active in the community and in the profession.
  • To assist students in securing employment and or further educational opportunities upon graduation.
  • To provide continuing education opportunities for alumni.