In this program, you will learn about international political, economic and social issues, become proficient in a foreign language, and develop expertise in a region of the globe that interests you. You will also spend at least 12 weeks abroad immersed in an international culture.

Students can concentrate their studies on international relations, global resources and development, or international economics and business.

  • Enjoy international travel
  • Like to learn about other cultures
  • Are interested in global issues
  • Want to work internationally
  • Foreign services professional
  • Businessperson
  • Employee for a governmental agency or nongovernmental organization (NGO)
  • International relations specialist
  • Humanitarian

International studies students are able to customize their educational experience. In addition to a core of common courses, students select an issues emphasis and a regional emphasis which shape the courses taken during the junior and senior years.

This program could be a good fit if you:

With this degree, you could become a/an: