The bachelor of arts in theatre offers a broad-based program of study combining a liberal arts education with a general theatre curriculum. Typically, the B.A. student in Theatre is one who chooses not to specialize in any one area of the art form but prefers to keep as many educational options open as possible.

Future educational and career plans often include specialized study in a graduate program or a career in one of the many fields related to the performing arts. The B.A. student may also pursue a second major and/or minor in other disciplines. Students often choose to double-major with fields such as music, English, political science or journalism, for example.

Typically, the BA student in Theatre is one who chooses not to specialize in any one area of the art form, but prefers instead to keep as many educational options open as possible. Future educational and career plans often include specialized study in a graduate program or a career in one of the many fields related to the performing arts.