• The Master of Science degree in Mathematics is offered with concentrations in mathematics education, or pure and applied mathematics. Concentrations consist primarily of taking four to six courses in the area of the concentration. The MS degrees in Mathematics provide students with the advanced material needed for positions of leadership in business, industry and government as well as for teaching at the high school and community college level. The concentration in mathematics education will upgrade the skills of teachers and offers a special combination of courses in mathematics, mathematics education and the use of technology in mathematics education. This degree does not lead to certification. All the concentrations prepare students to pursue doctoral degrees.
  • At present, 27 ?full-time faculty members are teaching graduate courses in pure and applied mathematics, mathematics education or statistics. Our curriculum in mathematics has extensively integrated modern methods of computing. The special interests of the faculty include algebra, analysis, applied statistics, chaos theory, combinatorics, data mining, detection of gravitational waves, dynamical systems, fluid dynamics, game theory, graph theory, mathematical modeling, mathematics education, methods and techniques of teaching mathematics, modeling in the biological, chemical and physical sciences, obesity modeling, operations research, problem solving, representation theory, statistical computing and graphics, , and the use of technology in education.