The degree of Master of Science in Environmental Engineering is awarded through either the Civil or Chemical and Biological Engineering departments, depending on the student’s background, academic program and research work. Areas of specialty within the program include water quality management, design of water and waste water facilities, and chemical/microbial process analysis and design. Environmental Engineering is also one of the options for the Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering.Students entering the Environmental Engineering program must meet the admission requirements for either Civil or Chemical and Biological Engineering. Generally, students with undergraduate degrees in Civil or Chemical and Biological Engineering will apply to the department of their undergraduate discipline. Students with degrees in disciplines other than engineering may be admitted to the program through either department, but may be required to complete remedial coursework. Successful applicants are accepted into both the department and The Graduate School.Research is considered a vital part of the Environmental Engineering program. Many of the students do their research work through the Center for Biofilm Engineering, although avenues through Civil or Chemical and Biological Engineering are also available. Research is used as the basis for a thesis or professional paper, one of which is required for graduation. Current research within the program focuses on both the fundamentals and application of chemical and biological processes relating to water quality management, water and wastewater treatment processes, the remediation of contaminated soils, and groundwater and biofilm processes of industrial relevance.