Specific areas of study include community health, dietetics or nutrition science, early childhood education and child services (child development) exercise science or kinesiology, hospitality management (food enterprise, lodging and facilities management, or restaurant management: farm-to-table options), human development and family science, and sustainable food systems. Students interested in teaching can pursue programs in early childhood education P-3, family and consumer sciences education 5-12, or health enhancement K-12 (health and physical education).

Health and Human Development offers master's degrees with options in community health, counseling, including marriage and family counseling, mental health counseling, and school counseling; exercise and nutrition sciences, including exercise physiology and nutrition and sport and coaching sciences; family and consumer sciences, including early childhood education/child development and family science; family financial planning; and sustainable food systems. See the graduate catalog for additional information on graduate Health and Human Development programs.

In addition to the career options, the department also offers recreational activity courses with an academic component for university credit. Physical activity courses under the ACT designated rubric are offered as an educational opportunity and as a service to the general student population. User fees vary depending on the activity. Each student enrolling in an activity course will be asked to sign an activity course waiver and release form.