Acclaimed programs in biochemistry, neuroscience, pharmacology, virology, immunology, cancer biology, structural biology, and drug design, discovery, development and delivery. This Medicinal Chemistry graduate program is one of the top-rated in the United States.  We have a diverse group of faculty members, graduate students and postdoctoral research fellows working at the interface of chemistry and biology.

In this Research program, the candate must opt for a field of research under different department to pursue his/her field of interest. Department research interests include antiviral and anticancer drug design, cancer chemoprevention, chemical biology, chemical carcinogenesis, drug metabolism, gene therapy, molecular recognition, natural products chemistry, neuroscience, peptidomimetics, receptor modeling, and NMR and X-ray crystallography.

After Semester One:

Students should register for a maximum of 14 credits of graduate level coursework and/or MedC8888 thesis credits each semester until they have completed their thesis credit requirement

After Two Years:

Once students have completed their thesis credit requirement and have met the other advanced doctoral student status requirements, they will begin in the following semester to register for a specific one-credit registration (MedC 8444) that certifies the student as full-time