The Nurse Educator specialization will prepare you to assume the roles of teacher, scholar, and collaborator. In the role of teacher, you will serve as a leader in curriculum development, clinical, classroom, and other educational settings. In the role of scholar, you will demonstrate clinical expertise and disseminate information by scholarly writing and presentations. In addition, the scholar role incorporates designing, collaborating and utilizing research in nursing education and practice. In the role of collaborator, you will enact and enhance best practices through collaboration with peers, students, administrators, and communities of interest.
When you graduate, you will have the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to engage in an advanced practice role. You will graduate with the ability to:
- Integrate advanced practice core competences in educational processes
- Incorporate learning, nursing, and curriculum theories in the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of nursing education programs
- Implement instructional methods and evaluation for clinical and classroom teaching recognizing the diversity of the learner
- Apply clinical expertise when conducting educational experiences
- Integrates principles of evidence-based practice in educational design and implementation
- Collaborates with diversified groups to promote nursing practice, education, and healthcare
- Incorporates ethical precepts in education practices
- Collaborates to promote nursing health care in political or legislative agendas