Throughout the Department, academic experiences that embrace broad, general, liberal education as well as applied skills encourage students to be inquisitive, creative, and imaginative as well as functional. The department strives to prepare students to be adaptable and flexible in their occupation and professional pursuits but ever cognizant of and responsible to the human and environmental conditions.

The disciplines represented by the department should serve as a foundation upon which every person bases his or her professional career as well as being integral to their lives and the lives of those around them. The offerings of the department are intended to be broad, open-ended, conceptual and philosophical while also offering training in the skills necessary to succeed in discipline-specific professions.

The department has 276 students and had 57 students graduate from the program in the past year.

A member of the graduate education faculty will serve as the major advisor. A graduate faculty member from the history area will serve as area advisor, and both signatures will be required on the Approved Program Form. Any change in an Approved Program Form must be initiated by the student and be submitted to the Graduate Office accompanied with written approval from both advisors. This degree requires 32 credits, at least 16 of which shall be from courses numbered 600 or above.