The specific content of these courses change each time the class is offered. This system allows students the variety and depth of experience that characterize effective Master's level programs in .

Students in the M.A. English program may elect to take a concentration in Speech by declaring their intention to do so when filing for candidacy. They will be advised to take their six hours of unspecified electives in Speech, and, depending on their backgrounds in English, they may elect to take up to an additional six hours in Speech. In no case will a student take fewer than 14 hours of English.

Students seeking the M.A. in English with a Speech emphasis will complete a Department of Language, Literature, and Writing portfolio and oral defense and will complete a comprehensive examination in the area of Speech. Each department will be responsible for constructing and evaluating its part of the final assessment.

Job Opportunities

You should not study in the Department of Language, Literature, and Writing because you want?a?job. You should study in our department because you want?any?job.

The 2015 Job Outlook Survey from the National Association of Colleges and Employers reported that, when hiring managers review at resumes, 73.4% look for written communication skills, 70.9% look for problem-solving skills, and 67% look for verbal communication skills.

These are the skills you'll cultivate in the Department of Language, Literature, and Writing. LLW students and faculty work with writing, argumentation, and language, because we want to understand the human experience, engage the problems of our time, and solve the challenges we encounter. As a student in LLW, you'll think. deeply about issues and arguments. You'll understand people and problems so that you can work toward solutions. You'll communicate accurately, effectively, and persuasively to turn your ideas into actions that improve the world.