The MET Program prepares students for the dynamic and versatile roles critical to the ever?changing industrial design applications required to survive in a world economy. The changing world of manufacturing is providing many opportunities in automation and production systems design.

The program focuses on the development of equipment and technology used in modern manufacturing. Industry leaders provided input to ensure the program is relevant to rapidly changing technologies for modern industry. Students use applied theory to learn how products and processes are effectively developed. In addition, they apply problem?solving and decision?making skills to a variety of manufacturing engineering technology issues. The senior year is often spent in an industry applied senior design project while taking senior courses in an online format.

The MET Program at MSU provides a broad technical background for students. Together with a proficiency in engineering methods and mathematics, this enables graduates to take advantage of opportunities for advancement in many directions.

?They often have their choice of challenging positions such as manufacturing engineer, production engineer, production manager, design engineer, quality manager, process analyst, project engineer, operations manager, continuous improvement manager, or sales engineer.?