The degree prepares students for teaching at the high school or community college level, for professional theatre work, and for advanced study in theatre.

30 semester credits are required. All students must take: Greek and Roman Theatre (3 credits), Medieval and Baroque Theatre, Modern Theatre, a course in Technical Theatre or Theatre Management (3 credits) and a course in Acting, Directing or Playwriting . The 15 remaining credits constitute electives which are usually in the student’s area of concentration. At least 15 credits must be at the 800 level.

Each student must complete a creative project. Creative projects involve an extended original project with written reflection. A review of the candidate’s work is conducted through an oral examination administered near the end of the degree program.Students may apply for Graduate Teaching Assistantship positions in Public Speaking, Introduction to Theatre, Technical Theatre, or Acting. These GTA positions cover the cost of tuition and pay an additional stipend.