The course work includes 15 hours of core requirements and 18 hours in two major areas of concentration. Some core requirements can be met at the master’s level. All students take preliminary examinations in their two areas of concentration. Preliminary examinations in their theory and methods core are waived if performance in the required courses is sufficient.

The primary objective of the graduate program in sociology at Kansas State University is to provide the highest quality graduate training possible for students seeking to become teachers and scholars in the field of sociology or those seeking to enter careers in applied research in government or private industry. The program offers a small student/faculty ratio. Graduate students have a high level of contact with faculty and are provided with the opportunity to participate in supervised research.

The Ph.D. program offers specialized training in six areas: International and Regional Development, Rural Development, The Sociology of Work and Labor Markets, The Sociology of Gender, Criminology, and Politics, States and Social Movements. All students take core courses in sociological theory and research methods. Graduates will be prepared for academic careers in teaching and research and careers in applied social research.