The degree also certifies that the candidate has an understanding of the subject matter in the discipline and possesses the ability to make original contributions to knowledge.

The student and major professor select an advisory committee. Selection of the committee is subject to approval by the Graduate School. The committee consists of the major professor and at least three other members of the graduate faculty. One member of the committee must be a member of the graduate faculty in a department other than that of the major professor.

The duties of the supervisory committee include advising the student on preparation of a plan of study and development of a doctoral research proposal, administration of a preliminary written examination, approval of the final form of the dissertation, and administration of the final oral examination.

It is expected that each graduate student’s dissertation or thesis will be published in the scientific literature. Graduate students are expected to prepare draft manuscripts prior to or by the time of their final oral exam. Publication of some items can precede publication of thesis or dissertation but guidance regarding prior publication should be followed.