The food science graduate program involves the interrelationships of about 60 professionals from 13 departments. Faculty from five colleges (agriculture, arts and sciences, engineering, human ecology and veterinary medicine) have participated in the interdisciplinary food science master’s and doctoral programs since 1965.

 Graduate faculty are located in the Departments of Agricultural Economics, Agronomy; Animal Sciences and Industry; Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics,; Biological and Agricultural Engineering; Chemical Engineering; Communications and Agricultural Education, Entomology, Veterinary Clinical Sciences; Diagnostic Medicine/Pathobiology; Geography, Grain Science and Industry; Hospitality Management; and Food, Nutrition, Dietetics, and Health.

Graduate students conduct their research in one of the participating departments. The food science faculty are involved in research on the chemical, microbiological, sensory, and nutritional aspects, functional characteristics, and processing of foods.

Faculty with expertise in chemical analysis, instrumental analysis, sensory analysis, systems analysis, biochemistry, dietetics, statistics, microbiology, thermodynamics, rheology, biochemical engineering, and food engineering participate in the food science program.