A total of 90 semester hours is required, including at least 50 hours of research for students entering with a bachelor’s degree and 36 hours for students entering with a master’s degree.

Applicants admitted to the Chemistry graduate program must select a program of study from a “group program” that will include at least 20 hours of graduate course work, which may include courses from all areas of chemistry, and must include at least 16 hours of graduate course work in Chemistry. A total of 90 semester hours is required, including at least 50 hours of research for students entering with a bachelor’s degree and 36 hours for students entering with a master’s degree.

The preliminary exam for the Ph.D. degree consists of a series of written cumulative exams on topics within the student’s area of specialization and an oral research proposition examination that the student must prepare and defend before his or her supervisory committee. Completion of the Ph.D. degree requires the submission of a written dissertation and its oral defense before one’s supervisory committee.