Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics explores the molecular basis of life processes. It examines structure, function, assembly, and dynamic changes of macromolecules and the chemistry and dynamics of small molecules. Through use of recombinant DNA technology and new instrumentation, a revolution is underway in our understanding of the ways that plants and animals regulate metabolic processes and express genetic information. Researchers at Kansas State University are in the forefront of that revolution.

 The study of biochemistry at Kansas State University is conducted under a versatile arrangement through which faculty of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics and faculty in other departments cooperate in a graduate biochemistry program. Both fundamental questions about living processes and applications to living systems are supported in this interdisciplinary program.

Degree programs

The biochemistry and molecular biophysics program seeks excellence in teaching and research through a program tailored to the development of the individual student. The core curriculum is broad and students are expected to specialize through appropriate choice of advanced courses from the many offerings taught by faculty in their areas of research expertise. A strong seminar program involves presentations by eminent visiting scholars from around the world and by the faculty of many departments on campus. A graduate student seminar program provides further opportunity for acquiring insights into new developments in the field.