Economists study the implications of such decisions and how these decisions impact our lives. The well-trained economist has a solid understanding of economic theory as well as the technical tools to apply this theory to make informed choices. Not surprisingly, these skills are valuable in the job market. They also help students prepare for graduate studies in economics, law or related fields.

 The economics major is an excellent springboard to many interesting careers, graduate school or professional programs. The Department of Economics at Kansas State University offers specialized tracks in analytical economics, public policy, business economics and financial economics. If you prefer to build your own area of emphasis or obtain a second major, the general economics degree is built for flexibility. 

Professional options


 Some economics majors serve as economists for businesses. In this capacity, they help companies streamline their operations, predict market futures and set competitive prices. Most use the skills they have developed to advance in business careers outside of economics.

 Also, governments of all levels and nonprofits hire economists to help improve their operations and provide policy recommendations. Other K-State economics majors have used their skills to become successful entrepreneurs. Essentially, there is a need for skills in economics in every sector of modern life. For example, our alumni work in fields such as:

  •  Business and management consulting 
  •  Commercial real estate 
  •  Data science 
  • Economic development 
  •  Economic policy and research 
  •  Financial advising 
  • Health care management 
  •  Insurance and actuarial science 
  •  Law 
  •  Marketing and sales 
  •  Medicine 
  •  Operations research 
  •  Portfolio analysis 
  •  Risk management
  •  Software engineering 
  •  Operations research 
  •  Sports analytics