Employers today rate effective communication as the most preferred skill in their employees. In addition, in a world where the legal system is built on arguments, where relationships and families are held together by stories, politics require critical yet civil discourse, the study of communication has never been more important.


Communication studies majors from K-State are prepared to meet the rigorous demands of 21st century workplaces, where employees are valued for their ability to adapt to change and communicate well in diverse situations.

Communication studies graduates have skills that can be applied to a range of professions that emphasize communication competence. These professions include business, government, law, education and ministry.


Our graduates have success finding employment opportunities in their specialized area, in part because these skills are in demand across many job sectors.

  • Communication director, event planner, manager, account specialist or communications consultant at corporations and businesses.
  • Professor, teacher, researcher, forensics coach or debate coach at educational institutions.
  • Public engagement coordinator, campaign communication director or communication specialist in a government organization.
  • Lawyer, jury consultant or paralegal
  • Youth minister or pastor