Statisticians are in high demand in private industry, government and education. There is no area in which a statistician’s skills are not needed. It is a discipline that teaches how to make intelligent judgments and informed decisions in the presence of uncertainty and variation, using available data and facts. The modern computer is the primary tool of each statistics professional, and statisticians are an integral part of the improvements and progress made every day in computer design and use. A background in statistics is also excellent preparation for many other fields of study.

Professional options

Perhaps the most recognizable careers in statistics are those in the state and federal governments. Professionals are not only hired into such areas as the Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Census Bureau, but also are in demand in many service agencies. Universities hire statisticians in many academic departments, including mathematics, management sciences, economics, genetics, history and psychology, and at administrative and service levels, including business affairs, research support and personnel.Private industry, including consulting, relies on statisticians heavily.

The legal profession increasingly uses professionally derived statistics to support or refute evidence. Private consulting can be lucrative for the experienced statistician who works with both private industry and government. Companies of all sizes employ staff statisticians to keep their businesses progressing and competitive.

Statistics has extensive application in areas such as:

  • Actuarial science
  • Agriculture and fisheries
  • Biology
  • Business
  • Economics
  • Education
  • Engineering
  • Health and medicine
  • Market research
  • Psychology
  • Quality control
  • Social sciences