Political science is the study of the world of governments and the governing process. Political science seeks to understand and react to this world of swirling events and players. To understand means to analyze, put in context, and develop a balanced perspective. To react to that political world means one must be able to think critically, develop a sense of purpose and direction, and possess values and beliefs that enable one to thoughtfully evaluate and prescribe.

Each year, political science majors also have an opportunity to interact with students from many other colleges and universities in the Model United Nations program, representing one of the nations of the world. Students also have the opportunity to attend the Sacramento Legislative Seminar, where they meet governmental officials and others on the Sacramento political scene. There are also opportunities to study abroad. In recent years political science majors have taken part in programs in London, England; Moscow, Russia; Heidelberg, Germany; and Florence.

A second key feature of the political science major is the faculty's focus on giving a balanced emphasis on solid factual knowledge, the ideas and concepts of political philosophy, modern research concepts and methods, and basic beliefs and values rooted in Christianity. An approach to the political world that emphasizes facts without values, research methodology without the great ideas of such thinkers as Plato, Locke and Madison, or any other one-sided approach ill equips a person in living a thoughtful and purposeful life.

A third feature of the political science degree program is flexibility in meeting the needs and interests of political science majors. The requirements do not rigidly structure the courses students must take, but allow students to tailor their program to meet their needs and interests. This flexibility also allows many students to double major with the second major including history, economics, or journalism.