Ramapo College students have long enjoyed the freedom of individualized “contract” majors. Liberal Studies is the contract major for the Salameno School of Humanities and Global Studies.
The Ramapo College graduates awarded baccalaureates in Liberal Studies major will be thoughtful, well-educated individuals with understanding of and an appreciation for multiple ways of seeing the world, skilled at using interdisciplinary approaches to meet the challenges facing themselves, their communities, and the world. The Liberal Arts encourages and inspires reflection, critical thinking, emotional maturity, and the broadening of the mind through the contemplation of new possibilities. This major spans the great themes of human inquiry and critical expression in the humanities, in world languages, and in social studies.
A Liberal Studies major is a preparation for a free and fulfilled life in any area of specialization: business, arts, public relations, journalism, education, social or physical sciences, medicine, or law. Liberal Studies majors gain this preparation through coursework, as well as through a significant experiential learning activity and an independent research project. Liberal Studies majors must also complete the Salameno School of Humanities and Global Studies School Core (SSHGS First Year Seminar and language proficiency) and General Education program.