• Plant pathology encompasses basic and applied research, employs both model systems and economically important plants, and requires both laboratory and field experimentation.
  • Active research programs in the department encompass this full spectrum of questions and approaches, including research on virology, nematology, fungal genetics, tissue culture, soil microbiology and ecology, forest pathology, bacterial plant pathogens, molecular biology of parasite ,host interactions, microbial ecology, epidemiology, and integrated disease management strategies.
  • The graduate program in plant pathology educates students in the science of plant pathology and prepares them for successful careers.
  • Students develop the following skills required to meet diverse professional situations: excellence in research; breadth and depth in plant pathology; breadth in an allied field; strong critical and analytical thinking skills; and effective communication skills.
  • Students become sufficiently knowledgeable in all aspects of plant pathology to identify key research questions, recognize significant discoveries, and think analytically about interpretation of data.