?English Literature majors pursue the Bachelor of Arts on a specialized track emphasizing British and American literature, composition, poetry, prose, the English language and literary theme. Courses examine the masters, literary criticisms and methodologies of literary scholarship.

The English Literature track consists of 33 hours.

About the Minor

A minor in English in Literature consists of 21 Hours.

Secondary Teacher Certification Program in English

Teacher certification in English (6-12) is available to English majors.

Departmental Honors

Majors on the Literature Track may attain Departmental Honors in English under the direction of an Honors Committee composed of the Chair and two members of the English Department selected by the student. Students complete an honors paper by March of the senior year. A grade point average of 3.50 in upper-division English classes is required for honors on all major tracks. Students who are interested in completing an honors project should begin their preparation during the junior year by:

  • Conferring with the Chair about a possible project
  • Securing a Department faculty member who will supervise the project
  • Securing a Department member as second reader
  • Declaring intent to complete Honors project
  • Registration for Independent Study, a continuing course and takes place during fall semester of the senior year