The program uses both theoretical and practical strategies to produce communication and theatre generalists. It is intended to satisfy the various interests of students seeking a strong liberal arts background as well as those who have technical and professional concerns in the field.


Communication Studies (COM)

The Communication Studies major consists of 27 hours.? These must include COM 200, 400, and 420.? Additional courses numbered 201 through 495 may be taken to meet the minimum requirement for hours.? At least 15 hours must be upper division coursework numbered 300 or above.


The Theatre major consists of a minimum of 30 hours. These must include THR 115, 218, 235, 302, 326 or 327, and 337. Students must choose three additional courses from among: THR 318, 326 or 327, 336, 338, 371, 490, and 495, and one from among: ENG 233, 332, 333, 364, and 367.?THR 292 does not count toward the major.

All theatre majors will design a creative major project in consultation with a Theatre faculty member. The project will reflect the classes and experiences of the students in their major classes and in the theatre. Students must submit a typed project proposal to the Theatre faculty for their approval at least one year prior to their expected date of graduation. After the completion of the project, the students will meet with the Theatre faculty and staff to report on their experiences and to engage in a critique of the project. Projects will be evaluated by the Theatre faculty and graded Pass with Distinction, Pass, or Fail.