You can focus your nutrition degree by choosing one of three tracks:

  • The nutrition program's Health and Wellness concentration prepares you for many types of careers, including corporate wellness, personal fitness, social services, agricultural extension, and the food and medical industries. In addition, the Health and Wellness track includes courses in writing and marketing, which can prepare you to contribute articles to nutrition-related magazines, blogs, textbooks, or other publications.
  • In the Pre-Professional Health track of the nutrition degree, you will get a comprehensive science background that includes prerequisite courses for medical, nursing, or dental schools, or postgraduate programs in physical therapy, pharmacy, and optometry.
  • The Secondary Teacher Certification focus combines our nutrition degree with a specialized teaching credential, qualifying you to lead nutrition education classes for middle school and high school students.

All three of Texas Tech's nutrition degree concentrations help you compete successfully for jobs, graduate school placements, and national licensing exams. You will get educational benefits other nutrition programs cannot match, including:

Laboratory experience. You can participate in research at Texas Tech's nationally renowned Human Nutrition Laboratory. Faculty and students conduct an extremely broad set of nutrition research projects at our one-of-a-kind obesity research facility and are considered world leaders in this rapidly growing field.

Practical training. Texas Tech's nutrition degree provides superior opportunities for hands-on practice. You will interact with the community and various professionals who advise individuals about diet, nutrition, fitness, and health and wellness.

Completion of courses for the Specialized Certificate in Hospitality, Nutrition, and Food Science offers students the opportunity to secure a family and consumer sciences teacher certification to teach nutrition in secondary schools.