The broad liberal arts foundation available through a major in history can deepen students' understanding of the complex world in which they live, stimulate intellectual attitudes conducive to effective participation in contemporary society, and cultivate those mental skills required for meaningful employment in many areas of the modern economic system.

A history student may consider a career in teaching within colleges, universities, or public schools; in park administration; in regional and local historical society work; in archives and records management; in museum work; in various branches of government work; and in business and industry generally. Many students use their undergraduate history major as a preparation for advanced studies in such areas as law, medicine, and theology.

Teacher Education

The department of History cooperates with the College of Education in offering a prepatory track for teacher certification in social studies for grades 7-12. This certification track is designed to prepare students for a teaching career in public education and to successfully pass the TExES teacher certification examination in social studies as administered by the Texas Education Agency. Students wishing to teach social studies for grades 7-12 should major in history while minoring in secondary education and should complete their certification through the Texas Tech University College of Education's TechTeach program. In order to fully understand the certification process, students are strongly encouraged to consult with the undergraduate advisor in the Department of History and an advisor in the College of Education to learn more about the teacher certification programs in the State of Texas and the requirements related to those programs.