NRM, or Natural Resources Management, falls into three categories:

  • Resources we extract from the ecosystem and then buy or sell like fish, timber, or oil.
  • Ecosystem services that are critical to producing sellable resources but are not commercialized like: clean water, breathable air, range pasturage for livestock, or fertile soils.
  • Intangible resources that are defined by our perceptions and enjoyment of the natural world like recreation opportunities.

Natural Resource Managers make decisions or implement strategies to make sure that human extraction or use of these assets and services does not threaten future supplies.

Natural Resources Management is a community of students, educators, and researchers learning to face challenges and make wise choices about our environment. Natural resources like clean water, fish, wildlife, and recreational opportunities are always in demand. We make management decisions about these resources by applying ecological principles and knowledge. Our goal is to balance the current needs of people with sustainability or future availability of resources. We offer degree programs at the BS, MS, and PhD levels which prepare students for professional careers in Natural Resources Management.