• Master of Science in Structural Materials Engineering at the University of California Los Angeles is a 2 years program.
  • It is an online program offered on both a full-time and a part-time basis.
  • In this program, students have to complete at least 9 courses of 36 Units of which at least 5 must be graduate courses at the 200 level and meet exam comprehensive requirements.
  • Students have to attend online office hours and meetings via zoom video conferencing.
  • Generally, lectures will be posted on Mondays and/or Wednesdays during the quarter.  In some cases, lectures will be made available earlier. 
  • Midterms and final exams are held on Saturdays, per the dates listed on the MSOL Academic Calendar.  If students are taking their exams off-campus, they may schedule it on Friday (the day before the official exam date). 
  • If Students wanted a leave then it is granted for periods of one to three quarters. Leaves may be extended in certain circumstances, ex. military deployment on the recommendation of the department to the graduate division.
  • Each course generally takes 15-30 hours a week.
  • The part-time program is designed for students to take one course per quarter. 
  • Part-time students can complete the program in two years + one quarter (provided the student enrolls consecutively each quarter). 
  • Students are expected to complete the degree within 2 academic years and 1 quarter, including 2 summer sessions.
  • The maximum time allowed in this program is 3 academic years (9 quarters), excluding summer sessions.
  • UCLA is consistently ranked as one of the best online graduate engineering programs.