• Master of Science in Chemistry at the University of California Los Angeles is a 2 years program.
  • It is an on-campus program offered on a full-time basis.
  • UCLA's graduate program in chemistry offers the following degrees: MSc and PhD
  • Students have to complete at least 9 quarter courses of 36 units in which at least 5 courses of 20 units must be graduate courses.
  • Students get the opportunity to do specialization in:
    • Analytical Chemistry
    • Biophysics
    • Chemical Biology
    • Inorganic Chemistry
    • Materials and Nanoscience
    • Organic Chemistry
    • Physical Chemistry
    • Theory and Computation
  • The UCLA Chemistry and Biochemistry Department has a tradition of excellence and is ranked among the best in the country, as evidenced by the quality of its programs, the caliber of its faculty, and the excellence of its students.
  • The Department is a leader in cutting-edge research and innovative educational programs.
  • The Department employs over 50 professors pursuing research in all areas of chemistry and biochemistry.
  • The research areas of the program are:
    • Analytical Chemistry
    • Bioenergy and the Environment
    • Inorganic Chemistry
    • Metabolism, Aging, and Development
    • Organic Chemistry
    • Systems Biology and Biological Regulation
    • Theory and Computational Chemistry