• Master of Arts in Applied Economics at the University of California Los Angeles is a 3-year program.
  • It is an online program offered on a full-time basis.
  • The economics graduate program is designed for students who wish to gain a thorough understanding of both empirical and theoretical approaches to economics.
  • All classes will be pre-recorded or have live lectures that are recorded on Zoom so that all students (domestic and those international students living abroad) can follow any course at their own leisure. 
  • Each course will offer multiple live zoom Q&A (Discussion) sessions to accommodate varying time zones to the best of the instructor’s ability.
  • Each instructor will offer varying zoom office hours to accommodate varying time zones to the best of their abilities. 
  • All final assessments will accommodate varying time zones to the best of the instructor’s abilities.
  • The department requires a minimum total of 48 units of coursework.
  • This course work consists of twelve graduate-level courses in economics to be completed while in graduate status at UCLA.
  • Students may find jobs in accounting, banking, consulting, along with management roles in entertainment and technology.
  • University of California Los Angeles is one of the top-ranked economics departments in the world.