Since all human behavior is social, sociology topics cover an immensely broad range, including the causes and prevention of crime and juvenile delinquency, the development of sex roles, economic systems, educational systems, social inequality, effects of the environment on human behavior and social organization, the consequences of different patterns of population growth and settlement, and more.

Sociology is a social science. Sociologists use scientific methods to conduct research on the social world. These methods include in-depth interviews and ethnography (the study and recording of human cultures), conversational analysis, survey research, statistical analysis, and more. The results of sociological research help develop new theories and inform social policy, programs, and laws.

Since sociology is such a broad field, students have many career opportunities upon graduation. The skills developed in this major include research, communication, interpersonal skills, and more, which lead to successful careers for graduates.Sociology majors desiring additional preparation for employment in the social services may complete a dual major in sociology and social work. With the help of advisors, students who will seek positions in other special areas could include appropriately related courses.

Students receive a BS by completing all required courses in the major. To receive a BA, students must gain proficiency in one or more foreign languages.

This is for the sociology teaching emphasis only. In order to obtain a secondary teaching license for grades 6-12, students must complete the 35-credit Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP), which includes one semester of student teaching in a public school. This program is administered by USU’s School of Teacher Education and Leadership (TEAL) within the Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services. Student must apply to the School of TEAL the semester before taking STEP courses. This is usually the fall of their junior year. Students learn subject content through the Sociology, Social Work and Anthropology Department, and spend the last year or two studying education techniques through the STEP program.

Since sociology is such a broad discipline, graduates can be employed in a wide variety of areas. Students who minor, take additional coursework, or pursue graduate studies in statistics, computer science, public administration, or business administration have greater marketability. The undergraduate program in sociology also provides excellent preparation for graduate school in sociology or law.Students who graduate with a bachelor’s degree in sociology can also pursue the following careers:

  •     Substance-abuse counselor
  •     Workers’ advocate (working to ensure workers’ rights)
  •     Youth services provider (after-school programs, counseling, vocational training, organizing volunteer projects, sports and recreation, etc.)
  •     Market research
  •     Social science research
  •     Collecting survey information for lawmakers, administrators, and educators
  •     Data analyst or statistician for local and state governments
  •     Parole officer