The department is committed to encouraging students to reflect on the political demands that will inevitably fall on them as citizens of the U.S. and as human beings.Through their coursework, students gain theoretical and factual understanding of government, politics, and political philosophy, nationally and internationally. In an environment of discussion-based classroom experiences and research opportunities, students develop analytical abilities, communication skills, and political research methods. Political science majors are equipped with the knowledge necessary to participate responsibly in civic affairs and pursue careers in government, and USU boasts successful politicians as alumni, including Senator Harry Reid, the Senate Majority Leader. Students are also well prepared for graduate studies in political science, law, and more.

USU’s political science professors are committed to quality teaching, mentoring, advising, and research, and consistently win department, college, and university awards for their work. The USU chapter of Pi Sigma Alpha, the national honors society for political science, has been recognized several times as one of the best chapters in the country. Students also have ample opportunities for internships in federal and state legislatures, regulatory agencies, lobbying firms, think tanks, corporations and international organizations.

Students receive a BS by completing all required courses in the major. To receive a BA, students must also gain proficiency in one or more foreign languages.

Political science majors develop communication and analytical skills that make them well-suited for a variety of careers. They can work in many areas related to government, and they are also well prepared for graduate studies and law school. Graduates with a bachelor’s degree in political science can pursue the following careers:

  •     U.S. Senate and House staff
  •     Lobbyist
  •     Foreign service officer
  •     Intelligence analyst
  •     Federal reserve system manager
  •     Campaign consultant
  •     Legislative analyst
  •     Consultant
  •     Lobbyist assistant or campaign associate
  •     Paralegal
  •     Legislative correspondent