The philosophy program at Utah State is designed to provide students with an understanding of the origin and nature of philosophical issues, the development of these issues, the debates surrounding them, and their implications for various fields of study.

The philosophy program is a small, intimate program where students have the opportunity to pursue undergraduate research and receive individual mentoring from faculty. Through the program, students develop skills that allow them to generate ideas, solve problems, and communicate effectively.

The curriculum is designed to meet a wide variety of student interests and provide a rigorous foundation for students planning to further their education in law, medicine, or other graduate work. On average, philosophy majors outperform students in business, the sciences, and humanities on the MCAT, LSAT, and GMAT exams, which makes them excellent candidates for graduate and professional programs.

The preferred degree is the BA, in which students gain proficiency in one or more foreign languages in addition to regular coursework. If students wish to pursue a BS, they need to complete four extra science courses in addition to the regular course requirements for the major.