USU’s math education program is recognized as the largest and the best in the state, with 100% of its graduates receiving teaching positions in school districts upon graduation. Students in the program learn much higher math than they will ever teach in middle school or high school, making them experts in their subject area. They also take methods courses where they learn how to teach the material to students and have early experience in actual classrooms, making them more familiar and comfortable with these settings before they begin their student teaching.

Students receive a BS by completing all required courses in the major. To receive a BA, students must also gain proficiency in one or more foreign languages.

In order to obtain a secondary teaching license for grades 6-12, students must complete the 35-credit Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP), which includes one semester of student teaching in a public school. This program is administered by USU’s School of Teacher Education and Leadership (TEAL) within the Emma Eccles Jones College of Education and Human Services. Student must apply to the School of TEAL the semester before taking STEP courses. This is usually the fall of their junior year. Students learn subject content through the Mathematics and Statistics Department, and spend the last year or two studying education techniques through the STEP program.

Students in the mathematics education program are required to select an approved teaching minor in order to expand their career options.

Students who graduate in mathematics education are qualified to teach mathematics in middle schools and high schools.

  •     Introduction to Writing: Academic Prose
  •     Calculus I
  •     College of Science Course
  •     Multivariable Calculus
  •     Education of Students with Disabilities
  •     Motivation and Classroom Management