Students receive a BS by completing all required courses in the major. To receive a BA, students must also gain proficiency in one or more foreign languages.Students can complete the mathematics degree without an emphasis where they will gain a solid education in mathematics areas, including algebraic structures, analysis/advanced calculus, complex variables, partial differential equations, and more. This degree path is a broad choice where students have many elective options, and it also serves as solid preparation for graduate school, both in mathematics and statistics, but also in engineering and medical school.Students can also do an applied mathematics option, which is not an official emphasis, where students take courses in computer science and physics to learn how to use mathematics in applied settings solving real problems. This option makes students more marketable for careers once they graduate.

  • Computational Mathematics: This emphasis deals with solving mathematical problems with computers and covers a wide range of coursework in computational mathematics and computer science. Students in this emphasis typically pursue careers as mathematicians for various companies that use computers.
  • Actuarial Science: An actuary is a business professional who uses mathematical skills to define, analyze, and solve financial and social problems. USU is one of the only universities where students can complete the full undergraduate program in actuarial science required for job placement as an actuary. USU graduates in actuarial science require no further education in graduate school and receive 100% job placement in a career that is consistently rated as one of the top two careers in terms of job satisfaction, opportunities for advancement, and pay. This emphasis is also available through the statistics degree, but it is essentially the same.

With a degree in mathematics, students can work as mathematicians or analysts in the following areas:

  •     Aerospace and transportation equipment manufacturers
  •     Chemical and pharmaceutical manufacturers
  •     Communications service providers
  •     Computer service and software firms
  •     Electronics and computer manufacturers
  •     Energy systems firms
  •     Engineering research organizations
  •     Financial service and investment management firms
  •     Pharmaceutical research and development