Landscape architecture is the design of land and buildings to achieve environmental, socio-behavioral, and aesthetic outcomes. The bachelor of landscape architecture degree is a studio-based course of study, meaning students receive an immense amount of hands-on learning in the design studio.The curriculum covers both theoretical and applied knowledge. Specific courses in the landscape architecture program focus on the development of artistic expression and creative problem solving, the understanding of environmental processes and human behavior responses to different designs, and applied site engineering.Each junior and senior student in the program is provided with an individual desk for their personal use, a drafting table, and storage space for their equipment.

Landscape students are also required to complete a study abroad, faculty-sponsored field study travel, or an individual internship. The purpose of the travel experience is to give students a well-rounded understanding of different landscapes and how they differ with culture, geography, and vegetation.

With a degree in landscape architecture, you will be qualified for the following careers:

  •     Licensed landscape architect
  •     Environmental planner
  •     Design associate
  •     Project manager
  •     Business/firm owner, principal
  •     Garden design
  •     Environmental restoration
  •     Federal employment with US Forest Service, National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, and others
  •     Visual/scenic landscape analyst
  •     Transportation planner
  •     Community planning and residential design
  •     Land development
  •     State park design
  •     Design campgrounds and trail systems
  •     Golf course architect
  •     Work in consultation with civil engineering or architecture firms
  •     Design of resorts and theme parks
  •     Design green roofs/rooftop gardens
  •     Historic preservation
  •     Sustainability coordinator
  •     University campus planner/landscape architect
  •     Protection of endangered species through habitat preservation
  •     Assist with the survey of archeology sites
  •     Promote forest sustainability in domestic and tropical forests
  •     Extension landscape architect
  •     Stormwater manager
  •     Virtual media design (graphic design, designing virtual landscapes for computer games)
  •     Academic positions in landscape architecture and horticulture programs
  •     Artist or sculptor
  •     Gardener or grower of nursery stock
  •     Nursery operator