Agribusiness is an important field because ag-related industry, from farming and livestock to food production and human nutrition, encompasses a significant portion of careers worldwide. Additionally, the field of agriculture has historically differed from other business sectors in that government intervention in the form of taxes, trade barriers, etc., have always played a role in agricultural businesses. Therefore, students in the program study problems and issues unique to agribusiness industries.

Because students gain a solid foundation in business, they can work in the broad field of business, but their agricultural knowledge and qualifications allow them to specialize in agribusiness careers. With a relatively small faculty, and a low student-to-teacher ratio, students are guaranteed individualized attention. Most of the faculty members in the College of Agriculture have national and international experience that helps them bring a global perspective to the class. Students have the opportunity to do research in labs and in the field.

With a degree in agribusiness, students can pursue the following careers:

  • Commercial bank operations
  • Commodities trader
  • Food marketing and sales
  • Agricultural input marketing and sales
  • Insurance sales and adjusting
  • Agribusiness manager
  • Farm and ranch management
  • Stock and commodity brokerage