Students will be challenged and study under experienced faculty who have doctoral degrees in the areas of applied mathematics, functional analysis, hyperbolic geometry, abstract algebra, biomathematics and statistics.?
Students can become a teaching assistant, tutor high school and college students and perform undergraduate research as part of Benedictine?s summer program as well as throughout the year. You may be able to participate in an internship in your field of interest, or you may gain the experience of performing research at off-campus locations such as Fermilab, Argonne National Laboratory or universities offering summer undergraduate research programs.?
Benedictine University participates in the science education programs of the Associated Colleges of the Chicago Area. The annual student symposium in April provides a forum to present results of research or an interesting mathematical problem to students and faculty from member colleges. Benedictine University students have traditionally presented a significant percentage of all student papers at the symposium.?