The Biochemistry/Molecular Biology major also prepares students for entry-level research and development careers in biotechnology and industry. Biotechnology is the fastest-growing field of study in the natural sciences. Combined with the University?s location in the heart of the research and development corridor of metropolitan Chicago, a market exists for highly trained undergraduates with a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry/Molecular Biology.?

As a Biochemistry/Molecular Biology major, you will acquire a broad base of knowledge represented by the University?s required core courses, which are invaluable to your future career development and daily interactions as a citizen of your community. Within the Biochemistry/Molecular Biology major, you will develop proficiency in biocalculus, university physics, general biology and general and organic chemistry. Additional lecture courses in biochemistry, intermediary metabolism, biophysics, genetics and molecular and cellular biology will be reinforced with consecutive series of laboratory courses in recombinant DNA, protein chemistry and genomic bioinformatics. At least three hours of research credit in biochemistry, biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics and/or physics is strongly recommended.