The CSE department offers a challenging baccalaureate degree program in computer science that prepares graduates for professional practice as computer scientists, provides the basis for advanced studies in the field, and establishes a foundation for life-long learning and achievement. The BS degree in computer science is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET, with these goals, the computer science baccalaureate program develops:

  • The ability to solve a wide range of computing-related problems. Studies include mathematical foundations, computer science theory, programming and software design, system components and design, application of theory, experimentation, design tools and techniques, and documentation and maintenance.
  • The ability to work with professionals in fields related to computing and/or having computing applications. Studies include natural sciences and the completion of at least one minor.
  • Skills to quickly adapt to new work environments, assimilate new information, and solve new problems. Studies include application of theory, experimentation, design tools and techniques, documentation and maintenance, and technical communications.
  • The background and perspective necessary to pursue post-graduate education. Studies include computer science theory, application of theory, experimentation, and life-long learning/professional development.
  • Abilities to work in conformance with societal needs and expectations. Studies include liberal arts and ethical/social issues.
  • Insight into the world of practicing professionals for collaborations, mutual support, and representing the profession to government and society. Studies include teamwork and life-long learning/professional development, plus students are provided multiple opportunities for involvement in organizations such as ACM and UPE; undergraduate research; and service to the department and community.