• Demonstrate an understanding of the basic chemical principles such as periodicity, atomic theory, chemical bonding, chemical reactivity, the relationship between chemical structure and function, the states of matter, and methods for the transformation of matter.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of technical chemical terms.
  • Demonstrate the ability to locate pertinent chemical information.
  • Demonstrate the ability to plan, assemble, and use a chemical apparatus or the instrumentation necessary to prepare and identify a targeted substance using modern techniques.
  • Calculate, recognize, and describe scientific numerical values with both accuracy and precision.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of synthetic organic reaction mechanisms, and be able to predict the reaction products for common organic reactions.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of quantum chemistry, thermodynamics and kinetics.
  • Show an ability to use modern analytical equipment and methods to identify and quantify chemical systems.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of modern inorganic chemistry for synthetic, spectroscopic and chemical properties.