Through the practice of writing and the study of language, literature and film, the department strives to stimulate humanistic learning and the capacity to respond rationally and imaginatively to literature and the life it reflects.

The undergraduate major in English is designed for three groups: 1) those who seek a general education; 2) those who plan to teach in the elementary and secondary schools; and 3) those who plan to pursue graduate study in the field. The major is also frequently chosen as preparation for professional study in law, medicine, and business, and for careers in other fields such as publishing, editing, library science, and digital humanities. Many students find the English major is a fine complement to a major in a professional field.
A student declaring an English major will meet with the advisor to establish a plan for the major. Thereafter the student must meet with the advisor at least once a year to update the major plan, review progress toward the degree, plan a concentration, and consult about course selection, scholarships, and careers or post-graduate education. The department Advising Center (201 Andrews Hall) will offer written information about these matters and others of interest to majors.
Special Programs. The Department of English houses the major in Film Studies and participates in the majors in Ethnic Studies, Environmental Studies, and in Womens and Gender Studies; in the minors in African American Studies, U.S. Latina/Latino Studies, Ethnic Studies, Native American Studies, Jewish Studies, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Environmental Studies, Religious Studies, and Digital Humanities.
International Students. International students who are not native speakers of English must take an English placement examination. For details, see the coordinator of the English as a Second Language program in the Department of English.