The program at the  offer numerous opportunities for participation in internships, research, volunteering in the community, and study abroad.

What You'll Study

Sociology emphasizes the study of human behavior and basic social processes. Courses offered in the major cover a wide range of topics and issues, such as social inequalities, work, organizations, economy, globalization, family, community, environment, crime, and law and deviance. 

Students may also pursue special readings courses and experiential education placements or internships through the department. The sociology major provides excellent preparation for careers in a variety of occupations and professions, including planning and community development, law, public relations and advertising, personnel administration, private business and government administration, health and human services, family relations, criminal justice fields, and others.


Grow Your Future:

Sociology majors are prepared for entry level positions in health services, non-profit organizations, law, criminal justice, and human resources. The Sociology major is also excellent preparation for law school and for graduate study, not just in Sociology, but also fields such as Public Health, Criminology, Public Policy, and Education. One Sociology graduate even became President of the United States!

Career opportunities in Sociology:

  • Crime analyst
  • LawyerParalegal
  • Law clerk
  • Police officer
  • Probation officer
  • Domestic violence victim advocate
  • Social service case worker
  • Community organizer
  • Non-profit administration
  • Health care service administration
  • Human resource manager
  • Market researchers and advertiser
  • Teacher
  • Survey researcher
  • Data analyst