We offer graduate training across the breadth of Biology and a variety of specific training options in all levels of biological organization. We will lead you into a rigorous set of research and teaching experiences that will prepare you for an array of successful academic, public and private-sector careers in the life sciences.

The Univeristy of Kentucky offers three degree options, Ph.D, M.S. plan A (with thesis) and M.S. Plan B (non-thesis), all of which involve a blend of coursework, individual research projects, and multiple forums for interacting with other scientists. We also have an incrediably diverse student body, with current students hailing from a half dozen other countries and US students from over a dozen different states.

To provide the best possible training for our students, the department invests heavily in professional development through seminar programs, financial support for research and for attending scientific meetings and workshops, and access to programs enhancing particular skill sets. Consequently, our students enjoy continued success in their graduate careers, as judged by receipt of extramural and intramural awards (in both research and teaching), publications and presentations, and post-graduate jobs. Besides working hard, we have a good time too, with barbecues in summer and departmental social events during the academic year.