The Civil Engineering program offered by the University of Kentucky is supported through a number of dedicated endowments and extramural funding and is renowned for its research excellence.

The department offers programs of study leading to an M.S. degree in civil engineering or a Ph.D. degree. Financial assistance is available in the form of teaching and research assistantships and fellowships. Graduate students work closely with faculty on research projects at the forefront of technology.

Why Civil Engineering?

Often considered the oldest practitioners within engineering, civil engineers have been around since the first cities were built by humans thousands of years ago. However, it wasn't until the 18th century when the development of the modern civil engineering profession led directly to many conveniences we enjoy every day.

Civil engineering is part of our daily lives. From the water in your faucets every morning, to the roads and bridges that you use for transportation, to the energy distribution systems that power your home, civil engineers help make modern life possible.

Civil engineering is a people-serving profession. Thanks to the development of technologies like clean water treatment plants, civil engineers have helped improve the quality of life around the world. From tunnels under the Earth’s surface to skyscrapers standing far above it, civil engineers plan, design, construct, operate, maintain and rehabilitate the infrastructure of the world.